Why is predictive content important to communications?

The new model of consumer persuasion to build brand affinity

Iva Grigorova
3 min readMay 25, 2019

Future is technology but without the human touch, nothing really matters. When people are becoming more conscious of what content they want to see and hear, how their brain responds to messages — image or video, it is a key to brand communications.

Photo from Pexels.com

With different tools and platforms, marketers are able to obtain a lot of information about consumers (of course, after having their consent). Such information is demographics, gender, location, but it could be also more precise. For example, interests, hobbies, affinities, influences, etc. These insights help predict the content that target audiences will like, share, talk about, and want to see more and more. Such insights help content personalization to be very accurate.

Platforms and tools allow to monitor and follow consumers through their journey of content consummation. Either researching a topic or gathering information about a product or a service. These processes allow to address consumers directly with personalized information, inspire them, answer their questions and create brand loyalty.

In retail and e-commerce industry, for example, eye tracking research methodology is used.

Eye tracking is used in various psychology and neuroscience fields to understand how and why eye movements are made and how we gather information visually.

Nowadays, marketers are talking a lot about neuromarketing, e.g. neuroscience behind marketing strategies.

Neuromarketing is a new field of marketing which uses medical technologies such as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to study the brain’s responses to marketing stimuli. Researchers use the fMRI to measure changes in activity in parts of the brain and to learn why consumers make the decisions they do, and what part of the brain is telling them to do it…

Neuromarketing helps professionals to better understand when a consumer like a product or not. Colours, logo, mascot, packaging, etc. This data allows brands to create products and services look more attractive and have more effect on consumers. Getting inside consumers’ brains allows analyzing their behaviour. Such insights help professionals to build a brand communication strategy and product positioning.

This is a whole new model of persuasion of consumers to build affinity to a brand.

During Innovation Explorer 2019 conference, Ana Reye Menendez, PhD in Business, Neuromarketing and Digital trends specialists, said that neuromarketing is a way to understand how the human brain works.

Social media enables marketers to create patterns of human behaviours and understand better why and how people react to visuals and messages. This builds a plan with predictive content that is shown to people when they need it the most.

Such data allows marketers to analyze human behaviour and focus on insights. Insights are the strong base to build a well-thought communication strategy.

Because consumers are online — look for information online, research, ask for an opinion and buy online, monitoring trends and behaviours through platforms is easy. Real-time monitoring help content adaption, product and ad tests, jump on a hot topic, solve a problem before it spreads, start a conversation, build a movement and initiate a community formation.

Photo from Ana Reye Menendez’ presentation during Innovation Explorer 2019 conference

Social networks give people the freedom to express who they really are and what they fell. This, on the other hand, is great for business because marketers can have a deep look at consumer behaviour and can predict what content is most suitable for specific audience groups.



Iva Grigorova

PR consultant, writing about communications topics and firmly believer that PR is linked to great results when built on data and creativity.